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Outstanding universal value

Outstanding universal value

The transboundary Mining Cultural Landscape Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří is composed of 22 component parts that are representative of the historical mining landscape. The component parts have been carefully selected in order to bear witness to the formative influence of centuries of mining activities on the development of a particular landscape and their associated history.

A justification for inscription of the Mining Region Erzgebirge / Krušnohoří on the World Heritage List is given by:

Technological and scientific achievements related to the mining industry:

Outstanding technological and scientific achievements emanated from the Ore Mountains and were successfully transferred or influenced subsequent developments in other mining regions in Europe and worldwide. These include innovations in mine drainage, ore smelting, first preparation of geological maps, printing of mining text books and the worldwide first foundation of a mining academy.

Development of a state controlled mining system:

A state controlled mining system was developed in the Ore Mountains and subsequently adopted in other mining regions of Europa. It revolutionized mining administration and took influence on the legal system and the financing of construction projects, and therefore, was the main input for a dynamic development of mining activity in the region. Furthermore social aspects were concerned and lead to the development of a mining related culture (i.e. mining parades).

Development of a mining related cultural landscape:

Based on the extraordinary diversity of ores (raw materials) and their concentration inside specific areas, a transboundary mining cultural landscape has been developed that is worldwide unique of its kind and is still visible with the presence of mining towns and their related mining landscapes.